Shaping the future
At SunPlus, we feel a sense of urgency to begin a digital transformation as our mission demand increases. We believe the most effective solution for digital transformation is cloud computing. SunPlus Cloud offers flexible IT resources that make the transformation of our operations easy and stress-free.
Data Center
We use highly efficient, redundant, and convenient facilities. Our Data Center compliance program includes: ISO 27001, HITRUST and HIPAA, PCI DSS, EU0US Privacy Shield, FISMA, ITAR, SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, NIST
We offer 24/7 IaaS, BaaS and SaaS Management of OS Layer, Software, Applications, Network & Security, AV, Updates and Patching, Configuration and Support of tenant workloads in a fully scalable infrastructure
Infor SunSystems & Other Products
Infor Q&A 10
Infor Q&A 11
SunSystems 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4
SQL Enterprise HA DB infrastructure
SunSystems Web Framework
Adventist Personnel System